Week 8

Created a functioning grenade

To make the grenade I put a sphere in the scene, gave it a sphere collider and a rigid body. Then created a new script, using a public float to give it a delay of 3 seconds (3f), then used a float for a countdown, then had it so if the timer was less then or equal to 0 it will trigger. I then used a bool to see if has exploded. When it triggers, I made it Instantiate an explosion effect, the position and rotation of the explosion then destroy the game object. Implementing the particle effect, I made previously onto the grenade made it so once the prefab spawns into the world it waits 3 seconds then plays the particle effect and destroys its game object. Then using a physics overlap sphere and a public float for the radius and one for the force, I am then able to control how large and how powerful of an explosion happens when the grenade goes off.  


Assisted Kael in implementing a teleporter  

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