Week 3

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zHDcpvYxjJo - Shotgun Tutorial

After looking over multiple weapon tutorials i decided to follow this one above as it was able to explain how to make a shotgun with clean and effect code that makes it easy for other people to look over if they want and learn how its working without having to be told step by step what it does.  

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6eIVxyxoimc - Bullet Tutorial

After looking over Mitch's bullet script and looking at Kael's bullet prefabs I followed along the with the tutorial above and towards the end it was explained how to have the bullets de-spawn. In the tutorial the bullets are made to de-spawn after 2 in-game seconds and the code used was short and simple making it easy for other people to know how it works. A better possible solution for the bullet de-spawning would to have it destroy on collision after hitting either a wall or an enemy.   

Made a Shotgun

Made a Sniper rifle

Made it possible to instantiate multiple bullets at once

Adjusted the bullet prefab script to make the velocity more realistic (work better)

Made it so the bullets are destroyed after 2 seconds (able to be changed in unity)  

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